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Even Sem exam schedule 2012-2013

IED (Imp Questions)


Assignment 5

1. Describe static kramer drive and show that the steady state torque is not influenced by
whether a transformer is used or not. Derive appropriate expressions to obtain torque-speed
characteristics of ststic kramer drive.

2. Enumerate the various methods od speed control of 3-phase induction motor ehem fed through
semiconductor devices.

3. Descibe the regenerative braking of a chopper fed seperately excited DC motor. Illustrate
answer with circuit diagram and relevant waveforms.

4. The speed of a seperately-excited dc motor is controlled through 1-phase half wave controlled
converter from 230V mains. The motor armature resistance is 0.5 ohms and motor constant
is K = 0.4 V-s/rad. For load torque of 20Nm at 1500 rpm and for constant armature current,
i) Firing angle of the coverter
ii) Rms value of thyristor current
iii) i\p power factor of motor

5. Explain the cocept of step down cyclocoverter. Enumerate the advantages and applications of

6. Give the differences between 180 and 120° modes of 3-phase with relevant waveforms of phase
and line voltages.

7. Explain three-phase half controlled full wave rectifier with desired waveforms.

8. Derive the expression of a 1-hase full wave bridge rectifier fully controlled for R-L-E load.

9. An armature (RLE load) of a seperately dc motor is fed from 1-phase full wave fully controlles
covereter. The supply ac voltage V= 220V, Ra = 0.06 ohms, La =0.085 mH, Ia=150A, speed = 875
rpm, Va = 200V. Find the output voltage and α for a rated load when :
 i)E = 160V (speed = 733 rpm, 1st quadrant)
 ii)E = -190V (speed = -500 rpm, 4th quadrant )

10. What are ac drives? Give merits and demerits of ac drives with respect to dc drives.

11. Define speed control od induction motors. Define method of resistance control.

12. Explain basi machine equations. Define DC motor speed control .

13. Explain single phase full wave bridge converter. Also explain three phase bridge inverter.

14. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of slip power recovery system using ststic
Scherbius drive and also draw the torque-speed characteristics.

15. What is the basic principle of operation of an induction motor, Explain it with reference to
equivalent circuit.

16. What is Jones chopper? Explain with its voltage and current waveforms.

Microwave (Imp Questions)


                                                                                                          COLLEGE  ROLL NO:………………..
 SESSION- 2011-2012

Microwave Engineering (EEC 603)


1)       A signal of power 28 MW is fed into one of the collinear ports of lossless H-plane Tee. Find the power in the remaining ports when other ports are terminated by means of matched loads.
2)     In an H-plane Tee junction, 20 MW power is applied to port 3 which is perfectly matched. Find the power delivered to the load 60 Ω and 75 Ω converted to Port 1 & 2.
3)     Explain waveguide Tee in detail & find out S- Matrix of each Tee.
4)     Explain Microwave propagation in ferrites.
5)     Explain Microwave circulators. 
6)     Explain Microwave isolators.



1)      Explain construction & operation of TWT.
2)     Explain mode of operation of microwave BJT.
3)     Explain hybrid π-model of BJT.
4)     Explain VI charters tics of JFET & also define boundary condition .
5)     Explain small signal equivalent circuit of GaAs MESFET.
6)     A reflex Klystron operates under the following condition :  V0= 500v ,  Rsh= 20 KΩ, n=2 ,  fr=8    GHz ,  L= 1 mm is the spacing b/w repeller and cavity .  
i) Value of repeller voltage
     ii) Direct current necessary to give microwave gap voltage of 200V.
    iii) Electronic efficiency .


1)       A typical n-channel GaAs MESFET has the following parameters Electron concentration  N = 8 x 10  cm , channel height  a=0.1 µm , relative dielectric constant εr      , Channel length  L= 14 µm , Channel width  Z=36 µm, Electron mobility  µ =     .o8 m2/V.s , Drain voltage  V d = 5 volts , Gate voltage  Vg= -2 volts , Saturation drift velocity  Vs = 2x 105   m/s       
     a)    Calculate the pinch off voltage .                               
     b)   Compute the velocity ratio     
     c)    Determine the saturation current at Vg = 0 ,               
     d) Find the Drain Current .

2)      A Two Cavity  Klystron operates under the following condition :  V0= 900v ,  I0= 30 mA,    d= 1 mm cavity , Rsh= 49 GΩ, n=2 ,  f=8 GHz ,  L = 4 mm . Find           
      i)   The electron velocity             
      ii) The input voltage for maximum output voltage ,                                                    
     iii) The dc transit time of electron
      iv) voltage gain in db.    

3)      Explain the Tunnel Diode.

4)     Explain the Backward Wave Oscillator.                                                                                                       

microwave assignment no. 2


                                                                                                          COLLEGE  ROLL NO:………………..
 SESSION- 2011-2012

Microwave Engineering (EEC 603)


1)       A signal of power 28 MW is fed into one of the collinear ports of lossless H-plane Tee. Find the power in the remaining ports when other ports are terminated by means of matched loads.
2)     In an H-plane Tee junction, 20 MW power is applied to port 3 which is perfectly matched. Find the power delivered to the load 60 Ω and 75 Ω converted to Port 1 & 2.
3)     Explain waveguide Tee in detail & find out S- Matrix of each Tee.
4)     Explain Microwave propagation in ferrites.
5)     Explain Microwave circulators.  
6)     Explain Microwave isolators.